It’s often support with the little tasks and chores that make a big difference. Getting that helping hand with appointments, tidying up or prepping your meal, can take a weight off your mind.
Deciding how much home help and support you need is up to you. If you’d like our support, we’ll create a detailed package of care with a schedule of costs and proposed start date. You can change your mind or adjust your home help support plan at any time.
Heres an idea of the things we can do to help you:
Prepare your meals and do the dishes
Take you to the shops or help you what you need buy online
Clean and tidy your home
Wash and iron your clothes, and change your sheets
Manage and book your appointments including NHS appointments
Help organise direct payments and pay the bills
Liaise with third parties, such as plumbers, your local authority, couriers and dog walkers
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